
OpenGL ES 2.0 Backend Design Notes

Minimum Requirements

The OpenGL ES 2.0 backend is intended primarily for WebGL, but might also be useful with very old mobile devices. It currently does not require or use any extensions.


Most of what is possible to do in OpenGL ES 2.0 without extensions has been implemented. This backend is relatively less mature than the vulkan and metal backends.

OpenGL ES 2.0 and WebGL are old APIs and are limited in functionality and performance. Many features in rafx-api will not work properly. It is probably best to limit usage to simple 2d rendering, unless you are willing to require extensions. In general this backend is intended for broadest compatibility possible with minimal functionality to do basic 2d drawing.

Platform Support

While OpenGL is available across a wide range of hardware/platforms, initialization is platform-dependent. Currently initialization only supports windows, macOS, linux, and web browsers. Support for Android would require implementing initialization with EGL.

Technically, when this backend is running on desktop, it is using desktop OpenGL, not ES. The backend has a few tweaks to make this work transparently. More details below!

Implementation Notes

Limitations of OpenGL ES 2.0

An OpenGL context may not be used by multiple threads simultaneously. So when this backend is in use, the same restriction applies to rafx-api.

Some features that are not available in GL ES 2.0 (some of these can be addressed with extensions):

Some of these (like GL_OES_depth_texture) are widely supported, but some like GL_EXT_sRGB are surprisingly not.

When using WebGL, even if some widely supported extensions are available on hardware, they may not be exposed in certain browsers. Additionally, there are some WebGL-only extensions (like WEBGL_depth_texture) that are similar but not quite the same as their comparable extension in native OpenGL ES.

Also note that while generally in OpenGL ES an extension is “always on”, in WebGL it must be explicitly enabled.

There are also limitations in the API that can be performance liabilities:

While this backend could be improved to support some of these features via extensions, this project is more likely to focus on more recent backends, and only recommend the use of this backend for very simple workloads that require very broad compatibility.

Coordinate System

The OpenGL coordinate system is quite different from other GPU APIs like DirectX and Metal. We resolve this by patching the vertex shader during shader translation via spirv-cross. More details here:

This essentially inserts the following at the end of a vertex shader.

gl_Position.z = 2.0 * gl_Position.z - gl_Position.w;
gl_Position.y = -gl_Position.y;

This allows the OpenGL backend to accept the same UV coordinates and projection matrices as the other backends.

Because this inverts the Y axis, we insert a final full-screen blit of the image that “undoes” this Y flip. Additionally, tools like renderdoc will show rendered images as being upside down. (There is a button for flipping it right side up in renderdoc.)


OpenGL has logging that can be enabled on desktop OpenGL systems (but is not technically part of the base standard.) This was not added to OpenGL ES until version 3.2. Some feedback is also available when running in a web browser.

This functionality is not properly exposed in the public API yet.


These tools can be used to debug/trace a frame

Shader Translation

rafx-api accepts OpenGL source code. It may be possible to add support for glShaderBinary, but it is currently not implemented.

rafx-api assumes that render targets are upside down and inserts a final Y-flip when presenting. See “Coordinate System” section for more details

Additionally, samplers and shader in/out variables are renamed:

Loading OpenGL

rafx-api includes a fork of the raw-gl-context crate, with modifications. (Most of the changes have been PR’d to the original project, but it does not seem to be actively maintained.)

Currently windows, macOS, and x11 are supported. Support for more platforms, particularly EGL, would be nice to add (and would make a great PR!)

OpenGL ES vs. “Desktop” OpenGL

There are a few subtle differences between OpenGL ES and OpenGL running on a desktop:


The backend creates a single framebuffer and changes it on every render pass. This could be replaced with a hashing/caching mechanism similar to the vulkan backend if it becomes a performance problem.

Render Targets

OpenGL can draw to textures, render targets, and the “default” framebuffer. For simplicity, rafx-api always renders to textures, except for the final present to the “default” framebuffer.

Base OpenGL ES 2.0 does not support SRGB textures or depth textures. The backend does not implement these extensions yet. The lack of depth textures limits what can be done with the render graph in rafx-framework.


Notably sRGB is not supported in base OpenGL ES 2.0. The GL_EXT_sRGB adds support, but this is not implemented. As an alternative, conversion from/to linear color space can be manually performed in a fragment shader.

Binding uniform values

OpenGL ES 2.0 does not support uniform block objects (UBO). This means uniform values must be set member-by-member. rafx-api’s API only supports setting the entire uniform at once (like other APIs). To emulate this, reflection data must be provided to the API. Reflection can be generated automatically offline by rafx-shader-processor. If you use other rafx crates to load the shader, this is handled for you transparently.

Keep in mind that the lack of UBO support may result in many API calls to bind a single uniform struct.

Texture Units

Legacy GLSL does not support separate texture/sampler objects. If you use other rafx crates to load the shader, this is handled for you transparently.

Passing data between vertex/fragment shaders

In legacy GLSL, to pass information between vertex/fragment shaders, the variables must have the same name. rafx-shader-processor renames the in/out variables based on their location. (i.e. in a vertex shader, layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; becomes out vec4 interface_var_0;.


Semaphores are no-ops. Fences are simuated in a very coarse-grained way by injecting a glFlush as needed during present and setting a user-space boolean to indicate that the flush call was made

Multithreaded usage is not allowed at all in this backend.

Future Work